Walter Hudson Already Working for You at the Minnesota Capitol
Minnesota state representative candidate Walter Hudson visited with dozens of legislators this week, arguing for bold reforms to the legislative process to return power to 'We the People.' He did so as a member of the Republican Party of Wright County Legislative Action Committee.
Wright County Republicans have distinguished themselves as statewide leaders in grassroots activism. Their Legislative Action Committee makes annual trips to the state capitol in St. Paul to engage directly with members in the House and Senate. They bring a list of legislative priorities along with a researched list of bills they support or oppose.
State representative candidate Walter Hudson serves on the committee this year, and travelled with them this week to champion conservative values. Specifically, Hudson's portion of the presentation focused on corruption in the legislative process.
For many years, the people of Minnesota have been effectively shut out of public policy debates. The committee hearings, public testimony, and debates on the floor all mimic a deliberative process. But the real policy is decided behind closed doors after the regular session in meetings with the governor and caucus leadership. Individual legislators are then presented with a handful of giant omnibus bills and asked to vote up or down on all of state government.
This is not how a democratic republic is supposed to work.
We need to end shutdown brinksmanship with a contingency budget that automatically reduces state spending whenever debate breaks down. We need to enforce the state constitution's single-subject rule, and eliminate massive multi-subject omnibus bills. And we need the legislative caucuses to manage their affairs in such a way that elected legislators represent their districts rather than caucus leaders.
This was the case Walter Hudson made to legislators. The response was positive. Members expressed their desire to see legislative reform with a change of leadership at the capitol.
But we can't wait for that change. The charge needs to be led now. That's why Walter Hudson is running for state representative in House District 30A.